Web Development Certification Training

Web Development Training Institute in Gurgaon

Transform your passion into expertise as you delve into the intricacies of web development technologies. Enroll now to sculpt your future in the digital realm.

4.9 out of 5 based on 17800 votes

Course Duration
50 Hrs

Live Project
3 Project

Certificate Pass

Training Format

Distinctive Feature

prof trained


Skilled Professionals
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Monthly sessions
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Global Presence


Corporate Catered

  • Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. It involves the following tasks: Design, Layout, Coding, Content creation, Functionality.
  • Web development involves using a combination of programming languages, tools, and frameworks. Some basic tools used in web development include:
    • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • JavaScript
  • Web development can be classified into three types:
    • Front-end development: Also known as client-side development, this involves creating the user interface and visual components that users will directly interact with.
    • Back-end development: Also known as server-side development, this involves the aspects of a website that users do not see. Back-end developers focus on the behind-the-scenes logic, APIs, and database interactions that power the site.
    • Full-stack development: This involves both front-end and back-end responsibilities.

  • Web development courses can help students understand web technologies, design principles, and coding languages. Here are some course objectives:
  • Let's have a look at the sections you will cover in this course.
    • Full Stack fundamentals

    • HTML
      • Students can learn how to use HTML in creating e-commerce sites and webpages by adding images, styling text with fonts, and positioning items.
    • CSS
      • CSS is an essential part of web development. It helps create visually appealing designs that can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. CSS allows users to control the position and layout of elements, create animations and transitions, and define the typography and colors of a web page.
    • JavaScript
      • Learn about the JavaScript language and the Document Object Model. You can also learn to understand variable naming rules, data types, expressions, operators, and flow control.
    • ReactJS
      • The core objective of ReactJS is providing the best possible rendering performance. Its strength comes from the focus on individual components. Instead of working on the entire web app, ReactJS allows a developer to break down the complex UI into simpler components.
    • AngularJS
      • Angular is the leading front-end web apps development framework. AngularJS2 aims to simplify development and testing of web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components.

  • Here are some career paths for front-end developers:
    • Path of the Front-End developer
      • After starting their career as a front-end developer, professionals may move into a senior front-end developer role or into UI or UX developer roles.
      • From here, professionals can progress into management and leadership roles like web development manager or director of web development.
    • Senior front-end developer
      • A more senior role where you can oversee a team of junior developers, work closely with developers on the back end team, and offer high-level input on coding projects
    • UI/UX developer
      • Front-end developers can also move into UI/UX developer roles. UI/UX developers specialize in creating user experiences and interfaces.
    • Management and leadership roles
      • Front-end developers can progress into management and leadership roles, such as web development manager or director of web development.

  • For a Frontend Developer, establishing appropriate salary expectations involves considering several key factors within the context of the tech industry.
    • Frontend Developers play a critical role in creating the user interface and experience of websites or applications. Therefore, salary expectations for this role are often influenced by the demand for frontend development skills, the level of expertise, and the geographical location.
    • Firstly, it's crucial to research industry standards for frontend development roles. The demand for frontend developers can vary, with certain technologies or frameworks being more sought after than others. Staying updated on current trends and in-demand skills within the frontend development space can help in determining a competitive salary range.
    • Geographical location is another pivotal factor. Salaries for frontend developers can differ significantly based on the region or country. For example, positions in tech hubs like Silicon Valley tend to offer higher salaries, but the cost of living is also higher. Considering the balance between salary and living expenses is essential for making informed decisions.
    • Individual qualifications and experience level play a significant role. A junior frontend developer may have a different salary expectation compared to a mid-level or senior developer. Factors such as the number of years of experience, specific frontend technologies mastered, and the ability to work with design systems or responsive design can influence salary negotiations.
    • Moreover, understanding the specific responsibilities associated with the frontend developer role is crucial. Are there requirements for expertise in particular frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js? Does the role involve collaborating closely with UI/UX designers or backend developers? The complexity and scope of the tasks at hand can impact the salary range.
    • In the tech industry, flexibility is often key. Apart from the base salary, frontend developers may consider other elements of the compensation package, such as benefits, bonuses, stock options, or remote work opportunities. These factors can contribute significantly to the overall job satisfaction and should be taken into account during negotiations.
    • In summary, determining salary expectations as a Frontend Developer involves understanding the demand for skills in the industry, considering geographical variations, evaluating individual qualifications and experience, understanding the specific job responsibilities, and being open to the broader aspects of the compensation package. Keeping a pulse on industry trends and being prepared to negotiate based on a well-informed assessment of these factors can lead to a satisfactory and mutually beneficial outcome.

  • Web development can help you find a job in the technology industry. It can also help you develop skills needed for a successful tech career, such as:
    • Creative problem-solving
      • Web developers need to be able to find solutions to complex problems and create functional and user-friendly websites and applications.
    • Creativity
      • Web designers need to be able to approach web designs in unique ways, coming up with new and innovative layouts for their websites.
    • Coding skills
      • Web developers need to be highly skilled programmers who are proficient in a variety of programming languages and libraries.
    • Remote work opportunities
      • Web development is well-suited to remote work, which makes it an attractive field for those looking to work from home or anywhere with an internet connection.

The role of a web developer encompasses the design, development, and maintenance of websites. They are responsible for translating design concepts into functional and user-friendly websites through coding and programming. Web developers collaborate with designers and clients to ensure that websites meet their specifications and provide an optimal user experience. They specialize in areas such as front-end development, back-end development, or full-stack development, depending on their skills and expertise. Additionally, web developers troubleshoot issues, optimize website performance, and stay abreast of industry trends and technologies to deliver high-quality web solutions.

The hiring trends for web development are characterized by a heightened demand for skilled professionals across industries, with a notable preference for full-stack developers proficient in both front-end and back-end development. Employers seek candidates with specialized skills in JavaScript frameworks, server-side technologies, and database management. Remote work opportunities have expanded, allowing developers to work for global companies, while freelance and contract-based projects offer flexibility. Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technologies are emphasized, as employers value candidates who demonstrate a commitment to ongoing education.

  • IT Training Classes is one of the Web Development Training Institutes in Gurgaon.
    • Comprehensive Curriculum:
      • Our institute offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel as a frontend developer. We cover a wide range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, responsive design, and popular frontend frameworks.
    • Experienced Instructors:
      • You will be guided by experienced instructors who have a deep understanding of the industry and are experts in frontend development. They are committed to providing high-quality education and helping you succeed in your journey.
    • Practical Hands-On Experience:
      • We believe in learning by doing. Our programs emphasize hands-on projects, allowing you to apply the concepts you learn in real-world scenarios. This practical experience is crucial for building a strong foundation and boosting your confidence as a frontend developer.
    • Industry-Relevant Projects:
      • Throughout the course, you will work on industry-relevant projects that simulate the challenges faced by frontend developers in the professional world. This not only enhances your technical skills but also provides you with a portfolio that showcases your abilities to potential employers.
    • Up-to-Date Curriculum:
      • The field of frontend development evolves rapidly, and our curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest industry trends and technologies. You will learn cutting-edge tools and practices that are currently in demand in the job market.
    • Career Support Services:
      • We are dedicated to your success not only during the course but also in your career afterward. Our institute provides career support services, including resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. We have connections with industry professionals and companies to help you kickstart your career.
    • Community and Networking:
      • Joining our institute means becoming part of a vibrant community of learners and professionals. We encourage collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing, providing you with opportunities to connect with peers, alumni, and industry professionals.
    • Flexibility and Accessibility:
      • Our programs are designed to be flexible, catering to different learning styles and schedules. Whether you prefer in-person classes, online learning, or a hybrid approach, we have options to suit your needs.
    • Continuous Learning Opportunities:
      • Learning doesn't end with the completion of the course. We offer continuous learning opportunities, such as workshops, webinars, and resources, to help you stay updated and advance your skills throughout your career.
    • Student Success Stories:
      • We take pride in the success of our students. You will find numerous success stories of our graduates who have gone on to secure rewarding positions in reputable companies. Their achievements reflect the effectiveness of our programs and the impact on their professional growth.
  • Overall, our institute is dedicated to providing a top-notch education in frontend development, preparing you for a successful and fulfilling career in the ever-evolving tech industry.
  • Upon successful completion of our frontend development course, we provide a certificate to acknowledge your achievement. This certificate serves as official recognition of your dedication and proficiency in the skills covered during the program. It can be a valuable asset to include in your portfolio or resume, demonstrating to potential employers that you have undergone rigorous training and have the necessary skills to excel in frontend development.
  • Our certificates typically include details such as the name of the course completed, the duration of the program, and any specific skills or technologies covered. They are signed by authorized representatives of the institute and are a tangible representation of your commitment to professional development in the field of frontend development.
  • Additionally, our certificates are designed to align with industry standards, enhancing their credibility and recognition within the job market. We understand the importance of certification in the tech industry, and our goal is to provide you with a credential that adds value to your career journey.

Choose dynamic workshops and hands-on labs over plenary sessions for Web Development Certification Training

Track Week Days Weekends Fast Track
Course Duration 40-45 Days 7 Weekends 8 Days
Hours 1 Hrs. Per Day 2 Hrs. Per Day 6+ Hrs. Per Day
Training Mode Classroom/Offline Classroom/Offline Classroom/Offline


Program Essential Certifications


Instructor Profiles

Industry Experts


Educated students



Achievement Rate



Enterprise Training

For India & Abroad


Career Support


Session Plan

Web Development Training Upcoming Sessions



Attend weekday classes, practice on weekends for balance.

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Receive tailored certification advice.

Join the best training program for maximum learning.

Intensive Track


Short on time? Accelerate your career with our Fastrack classes.

Access resources and support for certifications.

Join the best training program for maximum learning.



Attend weekday classes, practice on weekends for balance.

Get expert instruction, stay ahead.

Receive tailored certification advice.

Join the best training program for maximum learning.


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Web Development Certification Training

  • The web development certification training program is for professionals who wish to become proficient in creating impressive websites with the help of various web development technologies like HTML, CSS etc.
    • HTML



      HTML 5

      Bootstrap 5 (HTML, CSS, and JS Library)

      Web Hosting

      MySql Database

      File Handling & State Management

      WordPress development

  • HTML
    • What is HTML

      What is a Web Browser

      What can you Do with HTML

      HTML Development Environments

      Writing Code with a Text Editor

      Publishing Documents

  • Review of HTML Elements
    • Rules of Syntax

      Making your Code Readable

      Making your Code XHTML Compliant

      Building a Document

      Using Colors

      Adding Color to your Page

      Using Headings

      Using Paragraphs

      Aligning Block-Level Elements

  • Inserting Spaces and Line Breaks
    • Displaying Preformatted Text

      Formatting with Inline Elements

      Controlling Fonts

      Introducing List Elements

      Creating Unordered Lists

      Creating Ordered Lists

      Nesting Lists

  • What is an HTML Table
    • Building a Table

      Cell Padding and Cell Spacing

      Controlling Table and Cell Width

      Aligning a Table on the Page

      Aligning Tables and Text

      Aligning Table Data

      Spanning Columns and Rows

      Nesting Tables

      Using Tables as a Design Tool

  • Creating a Hyperlink
    • Understanding and Using URLs

      Linking to a Web Document

      Linking to a Local Document

      Linking to Anchors

      Opening a New Browser Window

  • Image Formats
    • Optimizing Image and File Size

      Inserting Inline Images, Image Map, Sprite Image

      Aligning and Formatting Images

      Using Images to Anchor Links

      Creating a Look-and-Feel

      Sizing and Scaling Images

      Using Transparent Images

      Using GIF Animation

  • Forms and Controls
    • Forms and Form Elements

      Form Actions, Form Methods, Form Design

  • Introduction to CSS 3
    • Border



  • CSS Shadows
    • Text-shadow


  • Background
    • background-clip




  • Outline Transitions
    • transition




  • 2D Transforms
    • transform

      matrix ()

      translate (x, y)

      scale (x, y)


      skew (x-angle, y-angle)

  • 3D Transforms
    • transform




  • Animations
    • @keyframes





  • Selectors
    • CSS combinations

      Pseudo Elements

  • Gradients
    • Linear Gradients

      Radial Gradients

  • Multiple Columns
    • column-count








  • User Interface
    • resize



  • CSS Filters
    • Blur









  • Media Query
    • What is Responsive Web Design

      Intro to the Viewport

      The Viewport Tag

      Media Queries

      Fluid Layouts

      Tablet Styles

      Mobile Styles

      Making a Mobile Drop-down Menu

      Responsive Images & Poly fills

  • Web Fonts
    • @font-face






  • Flexbox
    • flex-grow










  • Introduction to JavaScript
    • Syntax



  • Enabling in various browsers Popup Boxes
    • Alert



  • Variables Operators
    • Arithmetic






  • Conditional Statements
    • If else

      if...else if...else

      nested if






      for...in Statement



  • Functions
    • User-defined Functions

      Function Syntax

      Function with Arguments

      Returning Values from Functions

      Built-in Functions

  • Events
    • Introduction



      Keyboard Events

      Form Events

      Document/Window Events

  • Built-in Objects
    • Number






      Array Properties and Methods



      Reg exp

  • Introduction to OOP concept
    • Prototype, Module pattern

      Argument type


      ES 6 Introduction

      Let & Const

      Arrow Functions

      Class and Inheritance

      Rest and Map Operators

      Export & Import


  • Learn React JS
    • Environment





      ReactJS -State

      Props Overview

      React Lifecycle






      Map Function




  • Introduction
    • Quick Styles After Dark

      Our First Web Page

      What's Inside

      Scripts and Styles

      Core Concepts


  • Layout with Bootstrap
    • Introduction

      Grid Layouts

      Simple Layout

      Fixed Grids

      Fluid Grids

      Responsive Design

      Responsive Utilities



  • Everyday Bootstrap
    • Introduction





      Images and Icons


  • Bootstrap Component
    • Introductions

      Drop down Menu

      Buttons with Menus

      Tabs and Pill

      The Navbars

      Hero, Badges, Labels, and Media


  • Bootstrap and JavaScript
    • Introduction

      More Buttons


      Tooltips and Popovers



  • AngularJS Tutorial
    • Introduction of Laravel

      AngularJS Expression

      AngularJS Model

      AngularJS Directives

      AngularJS ng-model Directive

      AngularJS Data Binding

      AngularJS Controllers

      AngularJS Scope

      AngularJS Filters

      AngularJS Services

      AngularJS AJAX -$http

      AngularJS Tables

      AngularJS Select Boxes

      AngularJS SQL

      AngularJS HTML DOM

      AngularJS Events

      AngularJS Forms

      AngularJS Forms Validation

      AngularJS API

      AngularJS includes

      AngularJS Animations

      AngularJS Routing

  • Introduction
    • A brief History

      All About WordPress

      WordPress Blogs vs. Websites

      WordPress.org vs WordPress.com

      WordPress themes Overview

  • Find a Host for WordPress Website
    • Finding a domain

      Registering a domain

      Choosing a web hosting package

      Know WordPress Features

  • Getting started with WordPress
    • Know the Dashboard

      Install WordPress

      Setup your Prole

      The MySQL database

      Uploading your les

      The install Script

      About WordPress Release Cycles

      Upgrading WordPress

  • Organizing Content in WordPress
    • Archiving content

      The purpose of categories

      Naming a category

      Creating a new category

      About static page parents and children


      Dressing up links

      Customizing links

      Checking Links with Your Server

      Syndicated content (RSS)

      About Feed Readers

      RSS Options

      RSS and Social Media

      WordPress Tags

      Custom Menus in WordPress

  • Creating Content in WordPress
    • WordPress Posts vs WordPress Pages

      Writing Posts in WordPress

      Manage & Edit posts in WordPress

      Using Post Formats

      Publishing Posts

      Create Pages in WordPress

      Manage & Edit pages in WordPress

      Protect Your Work

      All About WordPress SEO

  • Settings in WordPress
    • General Settings

      Writing Settings

      Reading Settings

      Discussion Settings

      Media Settings

      Using Permalinks


  • Choosing IT training classes for web development in Gurgaon requires careful consideration of several factors. First and foremost, the expertise of the instructors plays a pivotal role. Opt for classes where instructors have extensive experience in web development, ensuring they can provide valuable insights and practical knowledge.
  • A crucial aspect is the curriculum. Ensure that the training program covers both fundamental concepts and the latest technologies in web development. The inclusion of real-world projects and coding exercises is essential for gaining hands-on experience, reinforcing theoretical knowledge.
  • Industry recognition adds credibility to a training program. Check if the classes are endorsed by industry professionals or organizations, as this can enhance your resume. Additionally, investigate the placement assistance offered, or look for a program with a proven track record of placing graduates in relevant positions.
  • Flexibility in learning options is significant. Choose a program that aligns with your preferences, whether it be in-person classes, online learning, or a blend of both. Consider the training center's infrastructure and facilities, as they can contribute to a conducive learning environment.
  • Reviews and testimonials from past students provide valuable insights into the quality of the training program. Look for classes that offer networking opportunities, connecting you with industry professionals, guest speakers, or alumni.
  • Lastly, consider the location and accessibility of the training center. An easily accessible location can contribute to a more comfortable and convenient learning experience. Taking the time to thoroughly research and compare various training options ensures that the chosen program aligns with your learning goals and preferences.

  • At our IT training classes program, we're committed to supporting your journey into the field of web development. Here's how we can assist you:
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our training program covers a wide range of web development skills, ensuring you are well-equipped with the knowledge and expertise sought by employers.
  • Hands-On Projects: We emphasize practical, hands-on experience through real-world projects. This not only enhances your skills but also allows you to build a portfolio that showcases your capabilities to potential employers.
  • Career Guidance: We offer career support services, including resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. Our goal is to help you transition smoothly from training to a fulfilling career in web development.
  • Networking Opportunities: Throughout the program, we provide networking events, industry talks, and opportunities to connect with professionals in the field. Building a strong professional network is a key element in securing job opportunities.
  • Feedback and Mentoring: Our experienced instructors provide constructive feedback on your coding practices, helping you refine your skills. Additionally, we offer mentorship opportunities to guide you in your career path.
  • Remember, our success is tied to your success, and we are dedicated to providing the resources and support you need to excel in the competitive field of web development. Let's work together to achieve your career goals!"

At our IT training classes, we take pride in guiding and mentoring a community of over 4000 candidates in Gurgaon through our Web Development Certification Training. What makes our program stand out is its adaptability – our course curriculum is meticulously crafted to meet the specific demands of both individual learners and corporate entities. As you embark on this certification journey, including E-Books, Online Videos, Enhancing the hands-on experience, we provide Project Source material. All of this comes at an affordable fee, making quality web development certification training accessible to everyone who aspires to excel in this dynamic field.

    • Entry-Level Web Developer:
      • An entry-level web developer in India can expect a salary ranging from INR 3 to 6 lakhs per annum.
    • Mid-Level Web Developer:
      • With a few years of experience, a mid-level web developer may earn between INR 6 to 12 lakhs per annum.
    • Senior-Level Web Developer or Tech Lead:
      • Senior web developers or those in leadership roles can earn upwards of INR 12 lakhs and may go significantly higher based on their experience and responsibilities.
  • Keep in mind that salaries can vary based on the city or region. Metropolitan areas like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi tend to offer higher salaries compared to smaller cities. Additionally, expertise in specific technologies or frameworks, as well as staying updated with the latest trends, can positively impact earning potential.

key skills for a web developer include proficiency in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. Knowledge of version control (Git), front-end frameworks (React, Angular), Additionally, skills in web performance optimization, command line usage, web security, problem-solving, and soft skills like communication are essential for success in the field. Staying updated with industry trends and continuous learning is vital.

Experienced professionals with expertise in various web development technologies will be teaching the Web Development course at the IT Training Classes.

For details information & FREE demo class, call us at +91-9717614047 or write to us Email : [email protected]
Building No - 1745, Sector - 45 | Gurgaon | Haryana | 122003